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Deelname aan MOCvir Global Pandemic Economic Recovery Systems (GPERS)word vir almal bekostigbaar gemaak. Hulpbronne word saamgevoeg om balans en voorspoed vir elke lid, lid se gesinne, huishoudings en sakepogings te verskaf. Sodra geregistreer is, word toegang tot jou behoeftes verkry, en die resultate bied die manier om jou lid se dienspakkette te begin bou.Die verbetering van jou leefstyl is ons rede om te lewe! Klikhier vir meer inligting, of rol af naWord 'n lid.

Matriarge van Verandering


Executive Coaching and Career Counseling

Determine Life Purpose

Interview Prep

Personal Development

Professional Etiquette/Ethics

Improve Communication/Writing

Business and Trade Development

Choosing a Trade or Niche

Resource/Write Business Plans

Strategic Planning/Coordination

Resource/Finance and Planning

Resource/Market Research-Surveys

Business Management Consulting/Mentoring

Assess Co./Departmental Needs

Evaluate/Develop Business Systems

Streamline Operation Efficiency

Determine Staff Potential/Increase

Develop and Implement Training

Market Planning and Media Development

Strategic Market Planning

Resource Digital Media Marketing

Dev​elop Social Media Platforms

Resource Funnels/Automation, etc.

Resource Public Relations Rep.


Request Form for Phone & Video Sessions

Please complete and submit the form below before booking a session. All consultations default to unrecorded phone sessions unless otherwise requested. Call this number at your appointment time and/or for the exact location of In-Person meetings on The Strand and next to Moody Gardens in Galveston, TX: 
(409) 877-1237


Non-Member Fees

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